The Impact and Challenges of the Implementation of a High-Impact ePortfolio Practice on Graduate Students’ Learning Experiences


  • Hawazen Alharbi


High-impact practices; ePortfolio; implementation; impact and challenges; graduate students’ learning experiences


This study examined the impact of implementing a high-impact ePortfolio practice on graduate students’ learning experiences and the challenges they faced during the first year of an e-learning graduate program. The study employed a phenomenological approach to explore the participants' experiences in this innovative learning environment. Qualitative data were collected from 25 participants and analyzed using thematic analysis. Two main themes were identified: the impact and the challenges, and seven sub-themes emerged. This study found that the implementation of ePortfolios as high-impact practice (HIP) has a positive impact on students. The impact includes the development of students' skills, their sense of achievement, the ability to showcase their work, and making sense of their learning. However, the study also revealed the challenges students faced during the implementation process, which included the need for additional support, issues related to workload, and difficulties in writing up their reflections. The findings suggest that implementing ePortfolios as HIP has more positive impact on the students’ sense of achievement and pride and enhances different skills. While the integration of ePortfolios has a significant impact for students, additional support and resources are necessary to address the associated challenges. Overall, this study has important implications for educators and institutions seeking to implement high-impact ePortfolio practices and highlights the need for continued research in this area.


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