Influence of Organizational Innovation Climate on Creativity and the Mediating Role of Feedback-Seeking Behavior—A Case Study of University Teachers in Hebei, China
university teachers; organizational innovation climate; development of creativity; feedback-seeking; mediationAbstract
The organization of an innovative climate is essential for the development of creativity. This study investigated the impact of an innovative climate on creativity among university teachers in Hebei, China, and examined feedback-seeking behavior as a mediating variable. An intermediary model was built to test the mediating role of feedback-seeking behavior in the relationship between an innovative climate and creativity, using AMOS software to analyze the questionnaire data of 356 university teachers in Hebei. The mediating model consists of three variables, which are an innovative climate, feedback-seeking behavior, and creativity. This study examines the relationship between an innovative climate, feedback-seeking behavior, and creativity among university teachers in Hebei, China. The study found that a positive innovative climate was significantly associated with higher levels of creative teaching and research skills among university teachers in Hebei, and that this relationship was partially mediated by feedback-seeking behavior. In conclusion, this study highlights the crucial role of an innovative climate and feedback-seeking behavior in promoting creativity among university teachers in Hebei and offers practical implications for higher education institutions to cultivate a more innovative and creative culture.
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