Students’ Acquisition of Science Process Skills in Chemistry through Computer Simulations and Animations in Secondary Schools in Tanzania


  • Flavia Beichumila
  • Bernard Bahati
  • Eugenia Kafanabo


computer simulations; animations; conventional materials; science process skills


Scientists currently advocate the use of integrated science process skills to perform scientific inquiries in the natural world. In Tanzanian schools, however, the situation leaves a lot to be desired as we consider the poor acquisition of science process skills in the country. This article is an attempt to address the impact of computer simulations and animation in the acquisition of scientific skills. We compare the impact of computer simulations and animations to conventional materials on students' acquisition of integrated science process skills in teaching and learning chemistry. We use a mixed method approach in data collection and quasi-experimental research design coupled with the qualitative data collection process, i.e. focus group discussion. The study involved a total of 320 students. The findings revealed that the treatment group scored better (pre-test, mean = 42.26; standard deviation = 12.16, post-test, mean = 65.79; SD = 13.45) after they were exposed to computer simulations and animations than their counterparts in the control groups (pre-test, mean = 41.59; SD, 12.73, post-test, mean = 48.03; SD = 11.72). Furthermore, a statistically significant difference (p = 0.000, ? = 0.05) between the control and treatment groups was found using an independent sample t-test on instructional materials. Thematic analysis of data from students focus group discussion indicated that simulations drew their attention to specifics and made the subject easier to grasp than conventional materials. Therefore, the current study proposes that teachers employ computer simulations and animations to support students’ science process skills at secondary school level.


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